Vilnius University Echelle Spectrograph (VUES) | MAO

Vilnius University Echelle Spectrograph (VUES)

Key parameters of the spectrograph:

Wavelength Range  λ = 400–880 nm
Spectral Resolution Modes, λ / δλ                  30000; 45000; 60000
Echelle spectrum              70 – 153 raws
Ešele difrakcinė gardelė           31.6 grooves/mm
Instrumental Throughput 25%, λ = 543 nm
Broad-spectrum optical fiber (FBPI) fiber, Φ = 100 µm, l = 16 m
On-sky Fiber Aperture 2.5 arcseconds
Spectrograph Detector 4k x 4k x 15 μm pixel pitch
Temperature -94oC



Three dimensional rendering of the spectrograph optomechanical design and of the front-end module (FEM) structural support assembly.


Full scientific descriptions:

Colby, J., et al.  Design of radial velocity spectrograph for the Molėtai Observatory. Proc. SPIE 9147, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy (2014),

Colby, J., et al.   Design and Construction of VUES: the Vilnius University Echelle Spectrograph, 2016,

Additional information at the web page of Yale University:

Construction of the spectrograph was financed from the European Structural and Investment Funds (contract No VP2-1.1-ŠMM-06-V-01-013).

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