Space Odyssey: "Unveiling Cosmic Frontiers, Advancing Medicine, and Connecting the World"Ameh James Adah
Observations Of Transiting Exoplanets Using Small Telescopes From The Europlanet Telescope Network, Andre O. Kovacs
Mixing processes in atmospheres of magnetically active RS CVn giants, Barkha Bale
Astrophotography woth DSLR camera, Deividas Dudulis
Infrared and electronic spectroscopy of small organo phosphorus molecules in rare gas matrices, Elavenil Ganesan
Nitrogen Outgassing in Water Worlds, Refath Bari
Fundamental parameters and mass function of three open clusters, Stuti Sharma
PET Degradation in the Martian Environment: Implications for the detectability of Organics on the surface of Mars, Silvia Julve-Gonzalez
Automatic Mineral Identification Using Raman Spectroscopy For Planetary Exploration: Implications For Rls And Supercam Instruments, Elena Pascual-Sanchez
Enhancing Gas Detection Limits in Raman Spectroscopy: implications for the exploration of Mars and other Planetary Surfaces, Iván Reyes-Rodríguez
Exploring Quantum Tunnelling in NH_3, José A. Quiñonero
SAOImage DS9
Muniwin C-Munipack running on windows. Install on wine if you use linux
Aladin Desktop
Python Astropy Pyfits
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