"Observational Stellar Astrophysics in the Era of Gaia and Kepler Space Missions "
In the next decennium two large European Space Agency projects will take place: the “Kepler” mission is already running and is dedicated to studies of asteroseismology of stars and search of exoplanets, and the “Gaia” mission will be launched in 2012 for astrometry and spectral classification of billions of stars in our Galaxy. Many of the Nordic and Baltic groups are already engaged in these projects, and the training of young scientists for successful participation in the work of these space missions is very important.
The aim of the course is to give participants a modern knowledge of how to observe and interpret stellar spectra and pulsations by doing own observations, interpret existing observations and do theoretical modelling. The main topic of the course is to teach methods for investigation of stellar main atmospheric parameters, the detailed chemical composition, asteroseismology, and search for extra-solar planets. The highest priority will be given to observational techniques and doing of own observations. Both photometric and spectroscopic observing techniques will be taught and tried out at telescopes.
Four telescopes with modern detectors will be available for observations, two at the Moletai Observatory in Lithuania, and two at Canary Islands remotely operated - the Nordic Optical Telescope at La Palma and the SONG telescope (for the first time) at the Teide Observatory as well as data sets from the Kepler space mission. Students will be given large assignments, based on own observations or a given Kepler data set. The results from the assignments will be presented in a seminar. Finally, the students will be invited to describe their original results as a scientific paper.
The course will be aimed at students in the first years of their PhD studies, and contain lectures by internationally top scientists, observations, exercises and assignments based mostly on own observations. The participants, who will end the Course with a successful presentation of work on the large assignment will be recommended to 6 ECU credits towards a doctoral degree. 4 ECU study credits can be earned additionally by describing original results in a form of scientific paper.