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Current events

Better Inclusion, Better Science, Building Impact in MW-GAIA
Vilnius, Lithuania, July 3 - 5, 2023
Posters and Online material



Name Surbame Country Institution Title of the Poster

Solar System Planets

Anna Hourihane United Kingdom Faulkes Telescope Project Observing with the Faulkes Telescope Project Facilities [Poster]
Federica Duras Italy IAPS - ROMA Europlanet Telescopes... in your living room! [Poster]
Richard Schmude United States of America Gordon State College Photometry of Pluto - Data still needed [Poster]


Harri Haukka Finland Finnish Meteorological Institute Taurus Hill Observatory capabilities and exoplanet research work [Poster]
Stephan Erard France LESIA, Observatoire de Paris/PSL Research University/CNRS VESPA (Virtual European Solar & Planetary Access) : a Planetary Science Virtual Observatory cornerstone [Poster]
Pawel Zielinski Poland Institute of Astronomy, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun Black Hole TOM - new automatic tool for photometric time-domain astronomy [Poster]
Przemysław J. Mikołajczyk Poland Astronomical Observatory, University of Warsaw  

Minor bodies of the Solar System

Paweł Koleńczuk Poland Astronomical Observatory Institute, Adam Mickiewicz University Photometry of super fast rotating, near-Earth asteroid 2022 AB [Poster]
Volodymyr Troianskyi Poland Astronomical Observatory Institute, Faculty of Physics, A. Mickiewicz University, Poznan Photometry of NASA Lucy Mission Targets: Jupiter Trojan Asteroids [Poster]
Inna Izviekova Ukraine International Center for Astronomical and Medical-Biological Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine Spectrophotometry at Terskol Peak Observatory [Poster]
Patrycja Poźniak Poland Astronomical Observatory Institute, Adam Mickiewicz University Automatic calibration of photometric observations of asteroids with the PanSTARRS catalogue [Poster]
Alceste Bonanos Greece National Observatory of Athens The 1.2m Kryoneri Observatory: an ideal facility for science requiring high-cadence multicolor observations [Poster]




Europlanet Telescope Network: https://www.europlanet-society.org/europlanet-2024-ri/telescope-network/

You are welcome to join the Europlanet Society:  https://www.europlanet-society.org/join/  



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