Fine alignment is made by measuring a set of stars in each image. You will have to select (mark) about 20 suitable stars in the (first) image. The programme will find (due to the coarse centering in the previous step) these stars in all the other frames. The measurements are analysed and an accurate image shifts are computed and consequently executed.
10 |
@@ mrefstars y5lmcpcx4s | M | Define reference stars for second order alignment. See Note 2. |
11 | mposcheck_script yframes | U | Create script to automeasure stars |
12 | @@ poscheck | M | Execute position measurements |
13 | mfineshift_script pc | U | Create script to compute second order alignment |
14 | @@ fineshift | M | Execute second order alignment |
Note 2. A large fraction of the selected image (should be the first in the sequence) is displayed. Use the cursor to define locations of 15-25 well separated stars. These will be used for the final alignment between images.