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Making coarse image alignment

The images have shifted between exposures and must be realigned before filtering. Coarse alignment is made by manual input. Each image will be displyed in sequence. You will have to choose one star in the image and mark it (=measure position). The same (shifted) star must be marked in all images.


mcenterlist1 U Create Midas script to coarse alignment
7 @@ mcenter >shiftlist1 M Define reference for coarse alignment. See Note 1.
8 mshift1_script shiftlist1 U Create Midas script for first order image alignment
9 @@ shift1 M Execute course centering


Note 1. Redirection, ">", in Midas must be made without a space between > and the filename! This routine will sequentially display a small part of each image. Select a reasonable star that can safely be identified in all images. Adjust Square cursor size using terminal cursor keys. Centre star. press left mouse button to get a mark. Then press right mouse button to return from cusror control.

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Peter Linde