990830: 10.30 Updated information about printing documents is available, see Computer information.
990830: 19.00 Server computer has been upgraded to 128 Mb main memory.
990830: 19.30 Updated pages: Exercises (Basic CCD processing), Observations (observing schedule)
990831: 08.00 Postscript files can now be printed on the printer in the computer room. For instance, Netscape pages can be directly printed (lpr)
990831: 08.00 Updated pages: Social info, Observations (observing teams and 0.63 telescope info)
990831: 08.00 In case of bad weather tonight, the Basic CCD processing exercise will be done instead
990831: 18.10 Revised version of programme
990831: 20.00 New IP numbers given to the computers allowing higher speed connections to the Internet.
990909: 10.43 Hi everybody! Greetings from Lund. I appreciated very much working with all of you. I personally have many nice memories. Feel free to contact me at peter@astro.lu.se. See you soon somewhere.. Peter Linde
990911: 14.00 It is over :)