Next: Photometric analysis
Up: Reduction steps
Previous: Reduction steps
The images have already been corrected for bias and flat field effects
by the standard STScI pipe-line reduction process. The following steps
will be illuminated during the further preprocessing:
- Extraction from data base.
- Access of the HST archive using the Starview facility. Searching and
downloading at least one image (in case of time and opportunity).
- Reading from local data base of HST images. Conversion
from FITS format to Midas format.
- Reconstruction of dithered images (y, b, and v images)
- Replication a factor 4 of all images (From 512x512 pixels to
2048x2048 pixels)
- Alignment of images for each filter
- Removal of cosmic ray events from images
- Adjustment of filter threshold levels
- Averaging of images
- Usage of mask images to avoid unnecessary image modifications
Peter Linde