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Making average images

In the average process, the mask files (".smout", etc) are used to remove all pixels that have been marked as affected by a cosmic ray event. Thus, the average images should not contain traces of cre:s. Three averaged images are produced, each made from four (dither) images. Finally, a total averaged image is produced, as a simple mean of the three averages.


makeaver wf2 y a 5 6 7 8 U Make average of first 4 images
29 makeaver wf2 y b 9 10 11 12 U Make average of second 4 images
30 makeaver wf2 y c 13 14 15 16 U Make average of third 4 images
31 makeavertot wf2 y a b c U Make total average of 12 images

Peter Linde