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The computer facilities during the Norfa99 course have been especially prepared for this purpose. A new computer room is available as well as a new link to Internet.

One machine works as a server machine, running Linux. In the computer room 10 more computers (clients) are available. They are configured to run either Linux or Windows 98, depending on selection at boot-time. Their normal mode is Linux mode. The server machine stores some data and programmes, which are accessible from the other machines via NFS. In Windows 98 mode, the server uses Samba software to allow access of server files.

One Windows 98 machine is available in the seminar room. This is connected to a video projector and to the Internet, allowing projection of Web pages on screen.

All machines have 32 MB main memory and Pentium II 366 MHz CPUs. The server has 128 MB memory 12 GB disk, the clients 4 GB. A smaller amount of the disk is dedicated to Windows 98, the rest to Linux.

Peter Linde