Registration will be on Sunday 24th April 14:00 - 19:00 and on Monday 25 April 08:00 -19:00 in front of Aida Hall on Level 3. The programme and book of abstracts can be downloaded as .pdf file by clicking on this links.
General information
The meeting will cover a multitude of scientific subjects ranging from star and planet formation until the early evolution of life on Earth. It aims to bring together astronomers, physicists, chemists, geologists and biologists as well as academics and students from humanities to discuss the most important questions and newest findings in all related disciplines. Special sessions will be devoted to comets, meteorites, prebiotic chemistry and early life.
The conference constitutes the yearly meeting of the COST Action "Origins and evolution of Life in the Universe" and the Nordic Network of Astrobiology and will take place from 25 April 2016 (morning) to 28 April 2016 (evening) at the Art Nouveau style Hotel Artis Centrum in the historical city centre of Vilnius (UNESCO World Hertiage Site). Unless specified otherwise in the programe, lectures will be inthe Aida Hall on Level 3. For further information about the event, access the relevant webpages in the menu bar above.
Conference organisers are Prof. Gražina Tautvaišienė (Vilnius University) and Prof. Wolf Geppert (Stockholm University).
On Friday 29th April 2016 before lunch a meeting of the COST Action "Origins and evolution of Life in the Universe" will take place. Albeit this is not an official part of the conference, attendees are welcome to participate.
Invited and plenary speakers
Nadia Balucani, University of Perugia, Italy
Anne Dutrey, University of Bordeaux, France
Johann Peter Gogarten, University of Connecticut, USA
Henning Haack, University of Copenhagen, Denmark,
Robert Hazen, Carnegie Institution of Washington, USA
Martin Hilchenbach, MPI for Solar System Research, Germany
Emmanuelle Javaux,University of Liége, Belgium
Etienne Klein, CEA, France
Willy Kley, University of Tübingen, Germany
Helge Kragh, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Antonio Lazcano, National Autonomous University of Mexico
Nick Lane, UCL, UK
Purificación López-García, Université Paris Sud, CNRS, Orléans, France
Ian Lyon, University of Manchester, UK
Christophe Malaterre, UQAM, Canada
Karen Meech, University of Hawai’i at Manoa, USA
Uwe Meierhenrich, ,Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis,France
Tom Millar, Queen’s University Belfast, UK
Stephen Mojzsis, University of Colorado, USA
Christoph Mordasini, University of Bern, Switzerland
David Moreira, Université Paris Sud, France
Guillermo Muñoz Caro,Centro de Astrobiología, Spain,
Wolfgang Nitschke, Université Aix-Marseille, France
Sijbren Otto, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Matthew Powner, UCL, UK
Clement Vidal, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Catherine Walsh, Leiden University, The Netherlands
The meeting contains two types of sessions. The first three days will be devoted to plenary sessions with the following subjects:
- Physical and chemical processes under star and planet formation
- Formation of complex molecules in space, planetary and satellite atmospheres
- Before and after the Last Common Universal Ancestor: Early evolution of life
- Meteorites as probes for understanding the Early Solar System
- Comets and the early history of the Solar System
- Geological conditions for prebiotic chemistry
- Early Universe, early Earth and the origin of life: Evolution of concepts in history and philosophy
- Borderline between chemistry and biology
- Scientific misconceptions: case studies in astrobiology
The last day of the conference will consist of parallel sessions, which allow detailed in-depth discussions of the following subjects:
- Physical and chemical processes under star and planet formation
- Formation of complex molecules in space, planetary and satellite atmospheres
- Before and after the Last Common Universal Ancestor: Early evolution of Life
- Comets and meteorites: Composition, chemical processes and their role in the evolution of the solar system
- Early Universe, early Earth and the origin of life: Evolution of concepts in history and philosophy
Also, poster sessions and open discussions will be included in the programme.
Scope of the meeting
The meeting is open to all interested scientists and students. However, the organisers will issue invitations for obtaining visa to attend the meeting only to presenters invited by the Scientific committee.
Further information
Please click on the relevant tabs of the menu bar to obtain further information about the event.